Furze Down School

Furze Down School

A Specialist School for Communication and Interaction

For more information and news

EYFS to KS4 - Verney Road, Winslow, MK18 3BL / Sixth Form - Well Street, Buckingham, MK18 1EN


01296 711380

Pupil Premium Impact Reports

Pupil Premium Impact Reports

What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England, to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. It is school's responsibility to use this money to support pupils to make the best progress possible.

How should it be used?
The Education Endowment Foundation has produced a teaching and learning toolkit to help guide schools to effectively use the pupil premium to support disadvantaged pupils.

How allocation decisions are made
Furze Down School has used this toolkit when deciding how to allocate funding to activities that are most likely to have an impact on improving achievement. When considering how to use the money particular attention has also been given to individual pupils' special educational needs evidenced within EHCP's.

Monitoring the Progress of Disadvantaged Pupils
The school rigorously monitors the attendance, progress and attainment of all students and analyses the data to identify appropriate targeted support. Progress is based on National Expected Outcomes, progression guidance materials, reading data and data proved by Speech and Language therapists and Occupational Therapists. All pupils have aspirational targets linked to their Educational Health Care Plan.

Monitoring Pupil Premium Spending
The school has a ring fenced budget for Pupil Premium Spending. There is a dedicated Governor who monitors pupil premium spending and feeds back to all governors. The school has a pupil premium tracking system in place that is incorporated into pupils Individual Learning Plans. This tracks what pupil premium has been used for and the impact.

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