If you have a safeguarding concern please contact the school on 01296 711380 and request to speak to one of the following members of staff:
- Tom Edwards (Family Liaison Lead) Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
- Alison Rooney (Headteacher) Deputy Safeguarding Lead
- Laura Price (Deputy Head) Deputy Safeguarding Lead
- Sarah Sherman (Deputy Head) Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Our school is wholly committed to the health, safety and well-being of all of our pupils and we expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.
We a legal duty of care for the health, safety, security and wellbeing of all pupils and staff. This duty of care incorporates the duty to ‘safeguard’ all pupils and it is the responsibility of the Governing Body and the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that this duty is uncompromised at all times. In performing this duty, we recognise that there can be no complacency where child protection and safeguarding procedures are concerned.
The school therefore requires that all visitors comply with the school’s Visitor Protocols (link to protocols). If a visitor needs to be unsupervised we carry out and ID check and we will seek a “Letter of Assurance” to confirm that DBS checks have been completed. We will also provide a “Letter of Assurance” to any other school on behalf of our employees if needed.
Our aim is that all pupils enjoy their time with us and that we work in partnership with parents to help our pupils reach their full potential.
To promote a safe environment for pupils, an offer of employment will be subject to a number of pre-employment checks which include; verification of identity, Right to Work in the UK, receipt of written references that are satisfactory to us, online searches, medical clearance and a successful Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
In accordance with our responsibilities under section 175/157 of the Education Act 2002, and the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance we have a number of Designated People for Child Protection who are listed above. They have all received appropriate training for their role. It is their responsibility to ensure that all staff in contact with children receive child protection awareness training on a regular basis. We believe safeguarding and promoting our students’ welfare is everyone’s responsibility, and we work together as a team to achieve this. Additionally, we always listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us.
There are occasions that our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies. Whilst we would always aim to work in partnership with parents there may be exceptions to this when concerns are raised for the protection of a child.
On very rare occasions Social Care, whilst undertaking an investigation under s47 of the Children Act 1989, may want to speak to a child without parents’ knowledge. This would be a decision made in collaboration with partner agencies and would only be done in situations where a child might be at immediate risk. To gain consent at this point may increase the level of risk to the child or cause evidence of a crime to be lost.
The procedures, which we follow, have been laid down by the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board, and the school has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all. If you want to know more about our procedures, please speak to a member of our Senior Leadership Team. Our Child Protection Policy can be found on the Policies (link to page) page of this website.
First Response Team (aka MASH) (including Early Help, Channel) The First Response Team process all new referrals to social care, including children with disabilities. Referrals are assessed by the team to check the seriousness and urgency of the concerns and whether Section 17 and/or Section 47 of the Children Act 1989 apply. The First Response Team will ensure that the referral reaches the appropriate team for assistance in a quick and efficient manner. |
01296 383962 Out of hours 0800 999 7677 |
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) The Buckinghamshire Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is responsible for overseeing the management of all allegations against people in a position of trust who work with children in Buckinghamshire on either a paid or voluntary basis |
01296 382070 |
Bucks Family Information Service Information for families on a range of issues including childcare, finances, parenting and education |
01296 383065 |
Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP) Procedures, policies and practice guidelines |
Thames Valley Police |
101 (999 in case of emergency) |