Furze Down School

Furze Down School

A Specialist School for Communication and Interaction

For more information and news

EYFS to KS4 - Verney Road, Winslow, MK18 3BL / Sixth Form - Well Street, Buckingham, MK18 1EN


01296 711380

Trade Union Facility Time

Your organisation

Furze Down School
1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023

Employees in your organisation

50 to 1,500 employees

Trade union representatives and full-time equivalents

Trade union representatives: 1
FTE trade union representatives: 1

Percentage of working hours spent on facility time

0% of working hours: 1 representatives
1 to 50% of working hours: 0 representatives
51 to 99% of working hours: 0 representatives
100% of working hours: 0 representatives

Total pay bill and facility time costs

Total pay bill: £3924291.00
Total cost of facility time: £0.00
Percentage of pay spent on facility time: 0.00%

Paid trade union activities

Hours spent on paid facility time: 0
Hours spent on paid trade union activities: 0
Percentage of total paid facility time hours spent on paid TU activities: 0%

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